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Where does time go?

 As I sit here reflecting on where has time gone I realize that it’s been 7 years since I wrote anything here 🤦‍♀️! I rediscovered my blog when I read about a dear friends  announcement of retirement!  How has 13 years gone by so fast for her??  I started when she began with her designing patterns to make for children clothing! I had a few grand kids then. I believe I have 5 then. Now I am blessed beyond that, I now have 21 grandchildren!! The kids range from 18 years old to 3 months, there are more boys than girls!! I only have 5 girls!!🤣 All the grands are such a blessing!! I have made some type of home made gifts the past 10 years! From gaming chairs, to embroidered towels or shirts to printing them some sublimation pillowcases!! I have loved creating something for them each year! So as Christmas is creeping closer I am now racking my brain for something new to create!! I have been blessed to use many different avenues to create. I have sewing machines, embroidery machines, silhou

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A case for a dress, or two for shorts!